Cuento de cuna
Emi se estaba preparando para dormir, aunque no tenía sueño. En lo de sus abuelos, la hora de acostarse era las diez de la noche, lo cual contrastaba con la hora de dormir en su casa, alrededor de la medianoche.… Continue Reading
Emi se estaba preparando para dormir, aunque no tenía sueño. En lo de sus abuelos, la hora de acostarse era las diez de la noche, lo cual contrastaba con la hora de dormir en su casa, alrededor de la medianoche.… Continue Reading
It’s true, I could write anything I want here. I could tell you about short-sighted kids who suddenly discover they have the ability to walk on walls of fly on brooms. But then it would be only fiction. The only… Continue Reading
“Mr., are you not cold?”, said a woman in Polish to Agustin while he stood barefoot in the chilliness of November, outside his hostel. He didn’t understand Polish, but he was too lost in his own thoughts to pay attention… Continue Reading
Tomasz used to spend whole periods at the school library. He and other three students were somewhat surveilled by a free teacher for forty five minutes after going to the break and then back to their lessons. He wasn’t an… Continue Reading
Justice had never been an option for her, but something that simply needed to be done. She hadn’t seen him for a long time, but her claim wasn’t time-barred. There was no statute of limitations for the kind of crime… Continue Reading
He was pure enthusiasm. They’d met by chance, and by chance I mean this drunk god who gives us the things we want the most when we least expect them. She was everything and something else. The rest of his… Continue Reading
I’m just another uninformed Argentinean giving his opinion on the country’s economy. But who isn’t? I’ve read Marx, Stiglitz and watched economists all around the world trying to explain the reasons behind Argentina’s poor economic performance. The world unanimously agrees… Continue Reading
Joshua the dreamer Every time she left the only thing he could do was to lie down in bed and pretend to sleep. Sometimes he dozed off, but mainly he just tried to summon her out of the fumes of… Continue Reading
Lepszy wróbel w garnku niż gołąb na dachu, ale niech pozostaje na dachu, jeśli go lubisz. Ile dasz mi za serce na wyprzedaży? Ile aby kupić twoje w wygodnych ratach? Żałuje się nie tylko tego co nie zrobiony ale też… Continue Reading
Historyczny fakt. W roku tysiąc osiemset szóstym i siódmym angielska armia próbowała podbić Buenos Aires i Montevideo, które były hiszpańskimi koloniami, ale które były bronione przez milicję mieszkańców, ponieważ Hiszpania miała dość kłopotów z Napoleonem. Wydarzenia te doprowadziły do rewolucji… Continue Reading