Język -rozmyślanie
Kiedyś jadłam chińskie jedzenie w Chinach
Właściwie nazywają to po prostu: jedzeniem. Continue Reading
Kiedyś jadłam chińskie jedzenie w Chinach
Właściwie nazywają to po prostu: jedzeniem. Continue Reading →
A boy dragged a dead frog on a string till he got to a brothel. Once inside, he said: -I want a woman. The madame came and said: You’re too young to be here. -How much for a girl? -It’s… Continue Reading →
Chłopak dla mojej żony- Polskie napisy Continue Reading →
2 cm tyle dzieliło mnie wczoraj od Twoich ust. Continue Reading →
La Cámara del Senado no ratificó la legalización del aborto, aprobada por la Cámara de Diputados. Estamos donde empezamos. Quisiera empezar por hablar acerca de leyes en general. Las leyes son para regular en general, jamás para expresar juicios de… Continue Reading →
“Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise… Love isn’t something natural.” -Erich Fromm I’m a mental mess, unfit for social life and without any ambition. My only goal in life has always been to find… Continue Reading →
When I do a good deed I cherish the idea that life is fair and will reward me, but when I don’t behave as well as I could, I’m comforted by the knowledge that life is intrinsically unfair.
Based on historical facts 1999, Rosario, Argentina. Elba was a happy 20 year old girl. She lived in a nice flat near the University where she studied economics and she visited her parents almost every weekend. They lived in a… Continue Reading →