Pork kebab – short story
There is an anecdote about the Polish ambassador to Turkey, which is famous among the Turks. Continue Reading
There is an anecdote about the Polish ambassador to Turkey, which is famous among the Turks. Continue Reading →
Wśród Turków znana jest anegdota o polskim ambasadorze w Turcji Continue Reading →
„Im jesteś mądrzejszy,
tym głupszy się wydajesz” Continue Reading →
W broni jest tyle samo sztuki, co w piórze, Continue Reading →
Influencers and politicians target the masses,thinkers and artists target the individual.A friend tells me I waste my potential,achieving no glory with obscure texts,which no one understands,but it is he who doesn’t understandthat I don’t aim at quantity.Wars will be in… Continue Reading →