A theory of language acquisition without Universal Grammar

Universal Grammar is not the mere ability we all have to learn a language, but an innate language system that is universal to all languages. This theory is false because it equals our brains to computers, which is the same… Continue Reading

Neo-communism: 1. Critical points of Marx’s and Engel’s Communist Manifesto 1.2.The dualism: Bourgeoisie and proletarians

1.2. The dualism: Bourgeoisie and proletarians These two concepts were conceived with a very specific meaning and to be used only in the historical moment Marx lived in. To talk about bourgeoisie and proletarians in the twenty-first century is anachronistic… Continue Reading

Neo-communism: 1. Critical points of Marx’s and Engel’s Communist Manifesto 1.1. Class struggle

1. Critical points of Marx’s and Engel’s Communist Manifesto 1.1. Class struggle One of the most essential premises of Marx’s works is that “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles” (Marx; Engels 1848: 14).… Continue Reading

On Capitalism, Socialism and Communism: Why Do We Struggle to Find the Balance? -by Kate Harveston

Imagine being there as the Berlin wall fell. Though it might seem like a long time ago, 1990 marked the latest sea change in Earth’s geopolitical climate cycle. Communism, arch-nemesis of democracy and the West, had lost. Or had it?… Continue Reading

Cicho – by Juan M.S

Cicho! Nie hałasuj mi rappappapem twoi zbędności! ogarnij twoje słowa, bo nie chcę szukać sensu w twoim nonsensie. Grają Chopina na ulicy, nie dodawaj jakieś rymowane hasła, nie łam rytmu życia czkawką twojego rapapapu. Ktoś szepcze powszednie piosenki o samobójstwie… Continue Reading