A rich man had everything: A big mansion, stables and a beautiful wife, but the thing he loved the most was his parrot. Once he called his servant and told him: I need to go to town for a couple of days. Please take care of everything, specially of my tropical parrot. He eats special food and please make sure he always has water.
-Don’t worry, Master- and he left.
When he came back he called the servant and asked him: Everything in order?
-Yes, Master.
-And the parrot?
-What do you mean dead. What happened?
-You see, Master, when you give raw horse meat to animals, sometimes they get ill and die.
-Horse meat! Why would you give horse meat to my parrot?!
-You see, Master, when there are many dead horses around, you need to do something with the meat.
-Dead? My race horses? How in hell did it happen?!
-You see, Master, when horses run the whole day, sometimes they overheat and die.
-But why were they running the whole day?
-You see, Master, when there is a fire, the best way to carry water to try to put it out is on horses.
-A fire?! What got on fire?
-You see, Master, when a candle falls by accident on a curtain, it lights the curtain and sometimes the whole house.
-My house!? But why did you light candles? There’s electricity!
-You see, Master, during a wake it’s customary to use candles.
-A wake?! Who died?!
-You see, Master, when someone enters the house at night, you shoot first and ask later, so I shot your wife.
-My wife! What did you do! What did you do!
-Ok, so much fuss for a stupid parrot.