Drapieżne zwierzęta- wiersz
Jestem tylko owcą przebraną w wilka,
ale nauczyłem się łubinowych sposobów Continue Reading
A romantic realistic Argentinean writer.
Jestem tylko owcą przebraną w wilka,
ale nauczyłem się łubinowych sposobów Continue Reading →
I’m just a sheep disguised in wolf,
but I’ve learned the lupine ways, Continue Reading →
The colonization of Mars started way before there were the proper means to do it. Continue Reading →
A male duck waddled through the forest, looking for a soulmate. Continue Reading →
Apetyt i apatia, dwa słowa o wspólnym pochodzeniu. Continue Reading →
Randomness, which is the nature of art, is also seen in genetic mutations for no apparent reason, such as the one that gave blue eyes to some people or the one that turned others into super sprinters. Continue Reading →
Artificial intelligence goes hand in hand with natural intelligence. Continue Reading →
Today I found Valentin in a different mood. He was morose, although always friendly. Continue Reading →