If the world was ruled by women -by Juan M.S.

If the world was ruled by women

there wouldn’t be hunger but everyone would have to finish their spinach,

there wouldn’t be religions, just constant errands to the shop,

there wouldn’t be wars, just constant embargoes and public denunciations,

there wouldn’t be poverty, just cleaner and dirtier people,

there wouldn’t be capitalism, just nice stuff that we need to have,

there wouldn’t be communism, “but you can have this, I don’t use it anymore”

there wouldn’t be novels, just personal diaries read among friends,

there wouldn’t be romance, just never ending job interviews,

there wouldn’t be trials, just people more or less likeable,

there wouldn’t be beauty, just women with good skin,

there wouldn’t be ugliness, just women with a bad hairdo.


I'm a writer born in Argentina, but currently living in Poland. I work as an English and French teacher, translator and copywriter.

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