Terrorism- by Juan M.S

-The problem is Islam; it’s inherently violent. They don’t allow for other ways than their ways. And their ways are backwards.

-We’ll go and welcome them and try to open their hearts to our culture, so they can learn to love us and stop calling us infidels.

-Here we are. I’ve never been more afraid, Paweł, they say they’re Egyptians, but you never know where they actually come from.

-Don’t worry, Szymon, God will protect us.

-Hello, how can I help you?

-We’ve heard you’ve just moved in and we wanted to welcome you to our building.

-Thank you, it’s very kind of you. Would you like to come in for some coffee?

-Yes, that’d be nice. Thank you.

-Please come in and make yourself a home. This is Arab coffee which I brought with me.

-It’s very nice. Thank you. Tell me: Do you feel welcomed in our country? I’ve heard you’ve just arrived from…

-From Egypt, yes. Yes, people are very polite and helpful. I’m very happy to be here.

-And you, sorry to ask, you’re a Muslim, right?

-Yes, it’s not a problem, don’t be sorry. I appreciate your frank question. I’m a Muslim, but I’m open-minded.

-An by open-minded, you mean…

-ehmmm, I mean I know there are other worldviews and I respect them. Oh here you are, Akil, say hi to our neighbors.

-Oh, this is your son? How old is him?

-I’m seven.

-Oh, and he speaks English already. Very nice! How do you like school here?

-I haven’t started yet. I’ll start next month.

-Sorry, we were talking about… I mean, I beg to differ with you, but I don’t think open-mindedness is a good thing per sei. I think some values are necessary. Don’t you agree?

-Yes, of course. Everyone needs to have a set of values to direct their lives with. I have mine, but I’m open to change them if I’m shown better.

-Kind of you go with the flow, don’t you?
-I’d say I reflect carefully on my actions. But I’m ready to admit I may be guilty of thoughtlessness. I don’t discard that possibility.

-I’m glad to hear that. In that case, if you admit the possibility that new values can be learned, would you allow me to share my faith with you? I’d just like to read a few passages of the Bible with you.

-I’m honored. Please, go on.

-Here’s Matthew 11:28 and 29: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” What do you think about that?

-It’s a beautiful passage, and I agree completely.

-But mind you, here Jesus is asking us to take His yoke upon us, and he will give us rest. And you know what Jesus’s yoke was?

-Quite a hard one, I must say.

-You’re right. It was a hard one. But let me read you another passage: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” What do you think about this passage?

-It shows how much God loves us.

-The Christian God, you mean, because I believe your God doesn’t have a son.

-Yes, you’re right. We believe God doesn’t have a son, but we believe also that we all come from Allah and we all go towards him, so in a way, we’re all His dear children.

-Everything you say sounds very nice, but do you consider yourself a man of faith?

-Yes, I believe faith is essential to life.

-So then you’ll need to forgive us, because we’re men of little faith. Take the kid and shut him up, Paweł!

-What are you doing!? Let me go! Don’t touch my son!

-Keep quiet and pray because you’re going to prove us your faith. “Whoever claims to abide in Him must walk as Jesus walked.”

-What do you mean?!

-Beat him up, Paweł!

Stop! Please stop!

-Now bring the nails and nail him to the floor!

-What are you doing?! This is insane! Ahhhrrrhh.

-Now leave him there. He won’t dare to move unless he wants to tear his hands. Now tell me again, do you still have faith in our God?

-Your God, my God, they’re one and the same.

-So then it seems our common God doesn’t like you in this country. Just go back to where God speaks your own language.


I'm a writer born in Argentina, but currently living in Poland. I work as an English and French teacher, translator and copywriter.

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