Dreamless nights -poem
Who will write verses to you now that I dropped the pen on my best poem? The night is temperate, the wind is howling and a single tear runs through my face. Who will grow wrinkles with you now that… Continue Reading
Who will write verses to you now that I dropped the pen on my best poem? The night is temperate, the wind is howling and a single tear runs through my face. Who will grow wrinkles with you now that… Continue Reading
“Next!” the judge shouted, while the guards carried the defendant away by the arms. The next defendant had to wait for some minutes to sit on his chair because some guards were mopping the blood spots left by his predecessor.… Continue Reading
In the beginning Pacha created the upper world, where everything hanged upside down. He built the stars and surrounded them with planets, satellites and asteroids. He saw what he had made and he was well pleased so he said: ‘Let… Continue Reading
The trip to the Azores was more than I had expected. I chose the Flores island because tectonically speaking, they are part of America. For a European, there’s nothing farther from the hustle of everyday life. The islands are in… Continue Reading
Georgetown University Medical Center has recently conducted a research which concludes that there´s not a special area of the brain dedicated to language but we make use of two areas of the brain, which exist in every animal. The two… Continue Reading
Dave had been living in Poland for seven years now, and he’d almost gotten used to all the Polish odd customs. One of the things he still struggled with was the extreme heating in winter time. No matter the actual… Continue Reading
Vivian crumpled her feelings into a ball of paper and threw it over her backyard wall with such aim that it hit Tom on the head precisely when he was deliberating on the most powerful words to describe his feelings… Continue Reading
Polska dziewczyna, która za mną kłusowała stylowo się krzątała, jej niepokój, stłumiony przez ciszę jej szybkich kroków, stukał o bruk Garbar. Czemu się spieszysz ładna damo? Jesteś na randkę z tramwajem spóźniona? Czy letnią radością wypełniona skaczesz ze szczęścia na… Continue Reading
The defense attorney presented his argument to the court: “These kids may not be a good example of anything; they may be complete imbeciles, but they’re innocent.” There was a deep silence in the audience, which was protracted by the… Continue Reading
Quantum physics has given rise to wild theories of a multiplicity of universes and perpetual expansion of space, which make no logical sense in any natural sphere. But men have the capacity to obviate the most basic principles of life… Continue Reading