Regression 2nd part: Chapter Four
Chaos is good for art but very pernicious to society, so we minimize it by isolating it. Continue Reading
Chaos is good for art but very pernicious to society, so we minimize it by isolating it. Continue Reading →
Someone could market a piece of shit until it became really popular, and then people would bit huge amounts of money to buy it, increasing its value exponentially. In the end, the winner would have a piece of shit in their possession, nothing else and nothing more. “ Continue Reading →
The old judicial system corresponded to the social acceptance that life isn’t intrinsically valuable but its value equals its usefulness to society. Continue Reading →
We have an idea of perfection; we think mathematically. But nature doesn’t abide by our made up science. Continue Reading →
You went on razing worlds, and I kept on plucking flowers from among the rubble. Continue Reading →
Myślę, że w mojej argentyńskiej podświadomości,
arabski i polski to synonimy
ponieważ oba są dla mnie równie egzotyczne. Continue Reading →
Arabic and Polish are synonyms
since they are both equally exotic to me Continue Reading →
Kolonizacja Marsa rozpoczęła się na długo przed zdobyciem odpowiednich środków. Continue Reading →
Jeśli w południe w grudnia patrzę na argentyńskie niebo, przeklinam cię, Continue Reading →
If at noon in December I look at the Argentinean sky, I swear at you, Continue Reading →