Passionate as a misfired bullet, You aim at me but never hit, you have no target, but you lit the whole place on fire. Then you see through your own eyes, though there’s nothing else to see, this… Continue Reading
Passionate as a misfired bullet, You aim at me but never hit, you have no target, but you lit the whole place on fire. Then you see through your own eyes, though there’s nothing else to see, this… Continue Reading →
Szedłem pewnego popołudnia, jak zwykle, by zabić czas, dopóki moja żona nie wróci do domu na obiad. Continue Reading →
“Where the fuck are they?” he grumbled while he opened all the drawers of his living room desk. He would absentmindedly leave his keys on the first place he found and therefore he needed to look for them in odd… Continue Reading →
Tragedy rarely comes unannounced but it flows to our heart in small sporadic doses. We always try to arbitrarily attribute the quality of tragic to a single event, such as a Tsunami or a Holocaust, but even these events are… Continue Reading →
When this is all over, and your eyes become nondescript blue, and your name something that started with some letter, I’ll still remember windowsill, call me weird. When your face is filled with generic features to make up for time… Continue Reading →
You can’t get inspiration from sadness; it’s not possible. Your actual inspiration comes from the hope of joy that this sadness triggers. And joy is easier to achieve when you’re sad than when you’re in a limbo of satisfaction. The… Continue Reading →