Neo-communism: Introduction- by Juan M.S

Poznan, Poland, December 2017


The Western philosophical tradition of logical refutation of theories and imposition of new paradigms has led to the demise of Western philosophy. This science is nowadays little more than an intellectual hobby which is only given some use when some social or political movement tries to justify its atrocities. Marx had remarked the link between religion and the perpetuation of unjust social systems, and this truth is also valid in the philosophical sphere. Philosophies, when put into practice, lose their validity. The same as literature belongs solely to the realm of the imaginary, philosophy belongs solely to the realm of the intellectual and religion to the realm of personal faith. Political or social actions derived from philosophic works should not be regarded as fruits of these works but as interpretations. The same as societies have judges whose discretion decides how to interpret and apply the laws of a nation to specific cases, philosophies need sensitive people who interpret and apply a certain philosophy to a specific situation in a particular nation or region of the world. But the work of these interpreters precedes that of the judges because they need to create laws from a certain philosophy. This task demands a high sense of justice, a great sensitivity to human needs and emotions and thorough socio-historical knowledge of the place where a philosophy is to be put into practice.

The premise that philosophies belong purely to the realm of the intellectual leads to a richer way of discussion about philosophical matters. We can do away with logical refutations and useless arm wrestling between different theories and exchange ideas more fluently. This is why I’ve called this work “neo-communism.” My intention is not to prove wrong anyone but to compile all my knowledge on economy and add my own ideas to try to create a better economic philosophy. The world doesn’t work in paradigms but it’s full of intricacies and contradictions. Therefore it depends only on us to shape it as we think fairer or to let it be as it is. Philosophy, like music, is rarely valuable. It needs to be applied only when needed; otherwise, it needs to remain in silence to let people speak and communicate. But while philosophy is not applied, it should evolve together with its environment and be always ready when society wants to hear it play. Therefore I propose to open the dialogue about economic philosophy with the following work, and I look forward to hearing answers from philosophers all around the world.


This is part of the book: Neo-communism, written by Juan Martin Sanchez.


I'm a writer born in Argentina, but currently living in Poland. I work as an English and French teacher, translator and copywriter.

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