Is your love? -poem
Is your love interested, or is it real? Continue Reading
Is your love interested, or is it real? Continue Reading →
Love, such a simple word, as clear as life, as powerful as death. To hold it in your hand and give it away silently, instead of announcing it just to keep it for yourself. Love is caring when there are… Continue Reading →
We go for all or nothing,
since we know each other Continue Reading →
These eyes of mine, they see what they want: You’re a piece of meat with a ring on it, I’m just a kid who knows not how to behave around people, around us there’s the world revolving around its stupidity,… Continue Reading →
I take thee in lust and loss, anger and fear, punches and wall, domestic war and peace, quiet room and torrid lake, salt and tower of hopes, to row an iron boat and bridge our differences, in stubborness and hearts… Continue Reading →
All you need is love in an American dream, in a Polish winter you can’t just live of love. All you need is love in the Empire States, but Pałac Kultury wasn’t built with love. All you need… Continue Reading →
The strongest is the quietest love, which never whispers stealthily in your ear, which doesn’t serenade you at late hours, which doesn’t dare to pronounce the verb in process, the unfinished action. The one that takes credit for nothing, but… Continue Reading →
Where it not for you, a day like today, like too many days, would have no sense. Though other days like today, like other such days, kept some resemblance of meaning in their shape and color, the texture of its… Continue Reading →
I’m thirty five now and I’ve already settled down. It takes a while for the dust to settle and for us to start to see clearly, but fortunately I found a companion who managed not to fuss around too… Continue Reading →
She’d never had such a feeling before. It was a mix of melancholia and resignation. She felt that her relationship was going nowhere; although everything was well between her and her boyfriend. She felt attracted to him, physically and spiritually,… Continue Reading →