You have pictures surrounded by people on Facebook;
I’m alone in front of my computer;
you fill your Instagram with self motivation quotes ;
I run out of optimism ;
you save up for travelling ;
I have nothing to spend my money on ;
you go out to have fun ;
I sometimes escape the terror of solitude ;
you want the best for yourself ;
I want something that makes any sense ;
you´re too busy avoiding me ;
I can’t wait to see you again ;
you can’t agree with my manners ;
I resent your lack of imagination ;
you get offended when you aren’t interested ;
I just insist a little more then ;
you are shameless when you are interested ;
and I praise your boldness in my heart ;
you have all the time in the world to be happy ;
I have thirty years till my semen dries up ;
you live in a dream carefully arranged around you ;
I live submerged in the world’s nightmare ;
you fall in love with me when it’s more convenient ;
I can’t stand the comfort and I leave you.